Logo for Innovative Rural Development

Who We Are

Innovative Rural Development exists to bring hope and stability to families experiencing abject poverty.To curb stunted growth and debilitating hunger, IRD provides nutrition rich food crates for each family in the village every month.Next, IRD moves to provide structural stability and security through its Hut to Home initiative (dwelling renovation).In villages that have no access to a clean water source or electricity, IRD installs wells, supplemental water tanks and solar powered energy.This three step approach is at the core of what IRD aims to achieve for every village it assists. Ultimately, IRD's mission is to bring hope to families living in squalid conditions and struggling to survive.

About our Founder

Inspired by many trips to India and witnessing firsthand the plight of the poor, Colin O’Connor founded Innovative Rural Development to bring hope and stability to families living in abject poverty.

Logo for Innovative Rural Development

Our Focus

We help children, families, and communities break the cycle of poverty.

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Sustainable Shelter

Families experiencing abject poverty rarely (if ever) can afford to improve their dwelling area. During the harsh monsoon seasons in Northern India, roofs comprised of primarily sticks and thistles hardly keep out any of the heavy desert rains.Working members of these families have to dedicate all of their meager earnings to purchasing food and other essentials. Any unforeseen dwelling expenses can cause families living neck deep in poverty to drown completely.IRD comes alongside such families and brings stability and an improved quality of life through its dwelling rehabilitation projects. IRD's goal is to improve the structural stability of each family's hut so they can focus on the other facets of their often difficult life.

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Nutritional Food

Many of the families IRD assists are living with severe nutritional deficiencies.Adult members of the family often have to endure labor intensive work for many hours each day on a next to empty stomach. Child cognitive development and growth is often stunted due to insufficient food intake.IRD carefully selects foods high in nutritional value (proteins and carbohydrates) to improve the overall health and well-being of every member of the family.

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Safe Water

We strive to provide sustainable, clean, and safe drinking water for the members of the families.

Water tanks

Take Action Today

We are a reputable, 501(c)(3) approved non-profit,
formed and run locally in Phoenix, AZ, USA.